Giving visibility to Israel

We frequently organize conferences in partnership with the France Israel Foundation on topics related to Israel: water challenges, Start-up creation, aeronautics, etc.

The TechTrip

Organize a trip to the "start-up nation", and introduce to about forty students the culture, history and especially the dynamic environment of Israel.


We organize a one-week trip for more than 40 students from the École polytechnique. Participants will take part in a variety of activities ranging from in-depth high-tech workshops to visits to historic monuments and world-class campus tours.

This will be a great opportunity to discover the start-up nation. In addition, to take part in a new educative discovery, you will spend one week in one of the most beautiful place in the world.

Participants will enjoy a myriad of flavours, diverse cultures, a lively nightlife and the warm Mediterranean sun that will make for an unforgettable stay.

Start-up Nation

We want to present the start-up nation from as many points of view as possible. In 2019, we met with CEOs, visited offices, laboratories and university campuses, but also explored the cultural aspect through a television channel.

R&D centers

The entrepreneurial environment has made Israel an open country on the international scene. During the first edition of TechTrip, we had the opportunity to visit multinationals such as Microsoft and Samsung to discuss their research and development strategy in Israel.


Because this trip remains a student trip, we guarantee that we will do everything in our power to offer you the best Israeli nights, whether in clubs or in bar crawls.

Cultural centers of Jerusalem, Haifa and TLV

Although we emphasize the "Tech" aspect of this trip, we cannot miss the opportunity to visit these unique cities and discover their history and culture.


Israel has experienced an incredible development of its culinary scene in recent years. Bringing together the traditions of its very diverse population, we will ensure that you taste the best of this incredible cuisine.

The 2022 Team

A few pictures from last year's TechTrip !


What do the participants think ?

Le TechTrip pour moi ? La découverte d'un pays, de sa culture et de son histoire grâce à un super guide et à des intervenants de qualité !
C'est également une occasion de découvrir des entreprises, et de renforcer son réseau (#stage2A/3A) dans la "startup Nation".
Mais c'est surtout et avant tout de bons moments avec des (nouveaux) potes, du beau temps et puis beaucoup de bouffe aussi (beaucoup)


Ce voyage m’aura permis finalement d’apprendre en 10 jours plus que ce que j’aurais pu en 1 année à l’x. Des personnalités de pointes, des échanges intéressants et une culture foisonnante en font une expérience riche et stimulante. Enfin, la gastronomie et la scène musicale de Tel Aviv sont dignes de leur réputation !


Ce voyage était avant tout une découverte ! J'y suis allé sans beaucoup en attendre, et j'ai passé de super moments. J'ai découvert des lieux dont on entend tant parler à la télé sans en mentionner le plus important. La nourriture, la mer morte, Jérusalem, la fête du Purim à Tel-Aviv, bref, des choses que je suis ravi d'avoir vues (et goutées !). Et tout ça en découvrant des start-ups et des centres de recherche à la pointe de la technologie ! Si je devais résumer : ce voyage m'a fait rêver !!


Our 2023 TechTrip Presentation !

Contact us


Kes des élèves de l’Ecole polytechnique
Binet X’Srael
91200 CEDEX Palaiseau FRANCE